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since Sep. 13, 1999

Introducing our events in 2000.

*Spring Charity Concert for S.O.N.Y Project
April 29, 2000 at Sony HQ, Tokyo
*A Concert for the 30th Annivarsary of Sony Shiroishi Semiconductor
May 27, 2000 at White Cube of Shiroishi, Miyagi
*Industrial Band Division of AJBA Contest, Tokyo Met Preliminary
August 12, 2000
*Industrial Band Division of AJBA Contest, Tokyo Met Final
September 3, 2000 at Fumonkan, Tokyo
*The 36th Regular Concert
December 8, 2000 at U-Port, Gotanda, Tokyo

Spring Charity Concert for S.O.N.Y Project
April 29, 2000
Sony HQ, Tokyo

As a part of S.O.N.Y (Someone Needs You) Project, we gave a concert invited guests from "Kaikei Imawa Works" who made T-shirt for this project.

Conducted by Tsunanobu Kawamoto

  • Jubilee Overture (P. Sparke)
  • Japanese Folksong Suite "Warabe Uta" (B. Kaneda)

What's "S.O.N.Y. Project"?

Planed by Sony Electronics Inc. They said "In April 26, 2000, all Sony employee in the world act as a good citizen through with volunteer works".

A Concert for the 30th Annivarsary of Sony Shiroishi Semiconductor
May 27, 2000
White Cube of Shiroishi, Miyagi

We gave a concert for employee and neighbor of Sony Shiroishi.

Conducted by Tsunanobu Kawamoto

  • Jubilee Overture (P. Sparke)
  • Second Suite for Military Band (G. Holst)
  • Japanese Folksong Suite "Warabe Uta" (B. Kaneda)

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Industrial Band Division of AJBA Contest, Tokyo Met Preliminary
August 12, 2000
Nishi-Arai Cultural Hall (Adachi, Tokyo)

We won to final of Tokyo Met.

Conducted by Tsunanobu Kawamoto

  • Dosojin no Uta(H. Fukushima)
  • Jubilee Overture (P. Sparke)

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Industrial Band Division of AJBA Contest, Tokyo Met Final
September 3, 2000
Fumonkan (Suginami, Tokyo)

We lost to final of All Japan Band Contest.

Conducted by Tsunanobu Kawamoto

  • Dosojin no Uta (H. Fukushima)
  • Jubilee Overture (P. Sparke)

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The 36th Regular Concert
December 8, 2000
U-Port (Gotanda, Tokyo)

We had a regular concert which is first concert for our new conductor Mr. Kawamoto.

Conducted by Tsunanobu Kawamoto

  • Jubilee Overture (P. Sparke)
  • Canterbury Chorale (J. Van der Roost)
  • Symphony No. 19 (N. Miaskovski)

Sony Concert Band Copyright, 1997 - 2004
Contact Us from HERE. / Update : 2004.12.15